Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scented Pampers

I know that someone out there has the smarts to create a scented pamper. I don't expect something like a pack of "Pine Fresh" car scents. Hey, how about a small Febreeze squirter in the pamper that squirts when Jon-Dakota poots or does his job of #2. Would that be safe? Any scent would be great! Orchid, Honey-Suckle, Green Apple, Stetson, Brute, fried chicken, liver and onions. It doesn't matter. Just some cover-up pleaaasssseee!!! The little "Febreeze Squirter" would really help with Jon-Dakota's accidents. (are they really accidents? how come these accidents only happen when it just me at home? why can't they happen when Jenny is home?) The other day Jenny had gotten in from work and I was getting sick in the sink. She asked if I was getting the "bug" that had been going around? No, I just changed a pamper!!!!!!!


Hillary said...

Genius!!! Very funny
But I beleive that some diapers are already scented. However, you have to be careful you could irritate your babies behind with scented products. Would you rather an irritated nose...or an irritated butt? Desitin anyone?

Regina said...

Yeah I am almost 2 months late "commenting" this blog and looks like over 2 years late hearing you have a baby! WOW!! Congratulations!! I bet you are an awesome dad. I would love to see your son.

Looking good!!
Just me...